Limo Service Increases Inquiries By 650% In 2 Months
our engagement
Our Scope With This Client:
Google Ads Management
We completely rebuilt the Google Ads account with improved tracking and granularity.
Getting Off The Ground
Why They Came To Us
The Strategy
The Results...
6.5X the leads that they were used to
We delivered a 45% conversion rate
Going from $48 CPL to only $6
650% Google Ads Leads Gained
During week one, they were receiving 10 limousine service leads per week from Google Ads. After developing new campaigns, the leads generated from Google Ads soared to new heights at 65 leads per week.
For the same budget that was bringing in 10 leads per week previously, we were able to to increase leads generated by a very considerable 650% .
86% Reduction In CPL
438% Improvement In Conversion Rate
Over the first 9 weeks our team created a more consistent customer experience from their Google search, to the ad they see, to the page they land on. The result of campaign optimization was a significantly improved Google Ads conversion rate.
Since the client pays Google for each click on their website that comes from Google Ads, it was critical to extract more leads from the clicks that their budget would allow.
In 9 short weeks, we were able to improve their conversion rate by 438% (4.57% to 24.59%). By week nine, nearly a quarter of their Google Ads clicks became leads.